What to Expect
What to Bring…
Once you have booked your swing evaluation, you will want to prepare by bringing your current set of clubs. You will also want to dress in golf attire, as you will want to be able to swing freely. We ask that you wear athletic shoes NOT Golf Shoes as it is hard on our force plates, not to mention most golf shoes track in mud and grass.
What to Bring…
Once you have booked your swing evaluation, you will want to prepare by bringing your current set of clubs. You will also want to dress in golf attire, as you will want to be able to swing freely. We ask that you wear athletic shoes NOT Golf Shoes as it is hard on our force plates, not to mention most golf shoes track in mud and grass.
Once you have arrived please bring in your clubs and go to your appropriate hitting bay. Once your instructor greets you, you will be asked some questions about your game and what you would like to get out of the evaluation and any further instruction.
Getting Started…
Once the interview process is over your instructor will have you hit some balls to loosen up. As you are loosening up your instructor will be watching your swing and probably will be asking you some more questions.
Once you are warmed up your instructor will ask you to take a look at some swings as they explain what they see and they will then explain what they want to do first to remedey the biggest faults in your motion.
Getting Started…
Once the interview process is over your fitter will have you hit some balls to loosen up. As you are loosening up your fitter will do a quick check of your current specifications and then grab some different head options that they think will suit you best.
Once you are warmed up your fitter will have you hit 3-5 balls with your “Gamer” to get a baseline. these numbers will be saved for later reference.
Making the first lasting changes…
As the evaluation continues you will start to get an idea as to how your instructor works. You will also start to see the first changes taking shape in your swing! This is the fun part as you can truly start to see some REAL CHANGE! ENJOY!
The Summary…
As the evaluation comes to a close your instructor will start to explain how they envision the journey going to you shooting your best scores ever! They will show you the changes already made compared to before and then they will explain what is next in the journey from there you will be informed as to what program options the instructor feels is best to acheive your goals.
The Summary…
As the evaluation comes to a close your instructor will start to explain how they envision the journey going to you shooting your best scores ever! They will show you the changes already made compared to before and then they will explain what is next in the journey from there you will be informed as to what program options the instructor feels is best to acheive your goals.
Wrapping Up…
By now you have hopefully selected one of our game improvement programs. Once you have selected your path to improvement, your instructor will have you sign a simple contract and you will then be able to book out your lessons and practice sessions. We recommend you book a consistent time and day of the week as this makes it easy to schedule. While not necessary it is what we have found to work the best.
BTW, wanting more practices? Make sure your instructor tells you about TEAM NORCAL!!!