What is the Putting Studio?
Take your putting to the next level! Utilizing our WellPutt Big Tilt XL Pro tilting platform you can practice like the pro’s! With more than 150 training exercises you will certainly see the difference when you hit the course after practicing on this state of the art unit! With it’s projection of three different lines as well as your aimpoint you will not only learn how to read greens but you will also learn to control the critical Speed/Read relationship!
Want to practice breaking putts? We got you! BigTilt XL Pro tilts up to 5 percent slope in either direction! Uphill, not a problem! Downhill sliders giving you fits? Come hop on this platform and figure it out! No more excuses! Still having trouble? Then consider a Putter Fitting using the industries leading putting launch monitor Quintic! Measuring the ball and the putter at 720 frames per second, nothing comes close to this amazing machine when it comes to analyzing a putting stroke!
NorCal Golf Academy has chosen these systems as they truly are the best in the business! They are what the top Universities and the Pro’s on Tour are using!
Projection of all things Putting
Stroke Arc, Fall in Line, Ideal Speed, Max Speed, Aim Point, Stance Width, Ball Position and much more are brilliantly projected onto the 16’6″ Putting Surface! Pick what you want to work on and project it!
Projection of all things Putting
Stroke Arc, Fall in Line, Ideal Speed, Max Speed, Aim Point, Stance Width, Ball Position and much more are brilliantly projected onto the 16’6″ Putting Surface! Pick what you want to work on and project it!
Master Your Stroke
With the WellPutt BigTilt XL you can work on all facets of your stroke with the help of the projection and the ability to adjust all of the visuals you see in this picture! Want your stroke to be more straight back and through? Not a problem change the arc degree projection and get to work!
Getting Started…
Once the interview process is over your fitter will have you hit some balls to loosen up. As you are loosening up your fitter will do a quick check of your current specifications and then grab some different head options that they think will suit you best.
Once you are warmed up your fitter will have you hit 3-5 balls with your “Gamer” to get a baseline. these numbers will be saved for later reference.
Getting Started…
Once the interview process is over your fitter will have you hit some balls to loosen up. As you are loosening up your fitter will do a quick check of your current specifications and then grab some different head options that they think will suit you best.
Once you are warmed up your fitter will have you hit 3-5 balls with your “Gamer” to get a baseline. these numbers will be saved for later reference.
Finding The Right Combination…
Once we have your gamer specs you will begin hitting balls with different clubheads. The clubhead by far makes the biggest difference so we always start there.
Once we find the best 2-3 heads we will then start having you try different shafts to fine tune the numbers allowing us to get the best possible combination for you.
The Crossover…
Now that we have found your ideal 7 iron combination, here is where NorCal Golf Academy truly sets itself apart from the pack! A lot of golfers are solely fit for 7 irons and then the fitting is deemed complete. We also look at what we like to call the crossover area, which for most golfers is the 5 iron.
Many golfers tend to hit their 6 iron down great, but as the clubs get longer things start to change for the worse. That is where we come in as we also check to make sure that your peak height, descent angle and carry distances stay up to the desired specs.
We will now have you hit some 5 irons to make sure that the same head is the appropriate model. If trajectory is too low we will then have you try varying types of heads to achieve the proper launch characteristics. Building you a blended set if needed.
The Crossover…
Now that we have found your ideal 7 iron combination, here is where NorCal Golf Academy truly sets itself apart from the pack! A lot of golfers are solely fit for 7 irons and then the fitting is deemed complete. We also look at what we like to call the crossover area, which for most golfers is the 5 iron.
Many golfers tend to hit their 6 iron down great, but as the clubs get longer things start to change for the worse. That is where we come in as we also check to make sure that your peak height, descent angle and carry distances stay up to the desired specs.
We will now have you hit some 5 irons to make sure that the same head is the appropriate model. If trajectory is too low we will then have you try varying types of heads to achieve the proper launch characteristics. Building you a blended set if needed.
Wrapping Up…
Now that we have your ideal specifications we will then have you select your favorite grips, ferrules and recommend a set makeup for you.
From there you may place your order and get ready to shoot your best scores!